Lion Ambassadors Host Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Vartan Plaza – the site of this years egghunt
On Thursday, April 14, the Penn State Harrisburg Lion Ambassadors hosted the annual Easter egg hunt at the Vartan Plaza in front of the Olmsted Building. The eggs were spread out across the grass in front of Olmsted. During the event, participants were encouraged to look for one of the nine golden eggs, which would lead to them receiving a prize, such as a Penn State water bottle. Participants who failed to find one of the nine golden eggs were not left disappointed, however, as the others were filled with different kinds of candies for them to enjoy.
Simultaneously, the kinesiology students were holding a “National Walking Day” with a group of students taking a walk throughout the campus. Needless to say, it was a busy few hours in front of the Olmsted Building. The Easter egg hunt began at 12:00pm and lasted about an hour. All Penn State Harrisburg students were encouraged to register for the free event. To keep up with other events that are hosted by the Lion Ambassadors, students should go to the Penn State Engagement app (free on the AppStore). With the end of the semester approaching, students should keep an eye out in the fall to see what events Lion Ambassadors will host then, and be sure to join the Lion Ambassadors in 2023 when they host their annual egg hunt once again next spring.